Grow A Community of Practice This Spring

Grow A Community of Practice This Spring

September 1, 2024

Grow A Community of Practice This Spring

As the first blossoms of spring emerge, there’s no better time to cultivate something equally vibrant within your service—a Community of Practice (CoP).

The introduction of EYLF 2.0 has placed a shining beacon on Communities of Practice. The new principle of Collaborative Team and Leadership asks us to use “a community of practice approach to develop a collective responsibility for driving continuous improvement.”

Communities of Practice are powerful tools for professional growth, where Educators collaborate, share knowledge, and develop new strategies to improve their work. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and collaboration, you can create an environment that not only supports Educators but also enhances outcomes for children.

What is a Community of Practice?

A Community of Practice is a group of Educators who come together regularly to share experiences, discuss challenges, and explore new ideas related to their practice. Unlike traditional teams, CoPs are participant-driven, focusing on the real-world experiences and needs of the members. This approach allows for more meaningful and applicable learning.

Benefits of Communities of Practice



Collaborative Learning

Educators learn from each other, gaining new perspectives and skills.

Professional Growth

Continuous engagement in a CoP leads to the development of new strategies and solutions.

Increased Morale

Being part of a supportive community enhances job satisfaction and a sense of belonging.

Improved Outcomes for Children

The knowledge shared within the CoP can be directly applied to improve educational practices.


Perhaps the most inspiring aspect of CoP is that it presents an opportunity for emerging leaders to step up and lead a team. The CoP topic closely aligns with the leaders’ interests and strengths.

This alignment ensures that the leader is deeply invested and genuinely enthusiastic about the project, creating a ripple effect of motivation and engagement throughout the CoP.

How to Start Your Own Community of Practice

Creating a Community of Practice is an organic process that begins with a shared interest or challenge. Here’s a simple guide to get you started:

  1. Identify a Focus Area: Choose a topic or challenge that is relevant and meaningful to your team.
  2. Gather Your Team: Bring together a diverse group of educators who are passionate about the chosen focus area.
  3. Set Regular Meetings: Establish a consistent schedule for your CoP to meet, whether weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
  4. Create a Safe Space: Encourage open, honest communication, and ensure that all voices are heard and respected.
  5. Document, Share and Implement Learnings: Keep track of the ideas, strategies, and outcomes that emerge from your CoP, and share these with the wider team.
  6. Celebrate and Disband. It’s crucial to celebrate the achievements and disband with a sense of fulfillment. The act of celebration is about recognizing the hard work, creativity, and collaboration that went into achieving a quality improvement in practice.

This spring, take the opportunity to sow the seeds of a Community of Practice in your service. CoPs offer a powerful way to grow professionally, enhance your practice, and ultimately improve outcomes for children. By nurturing a culture of collaboration and continuous learning, you can create a thriving, supportive community that blossoms year-round.

Farran Street Education’s Top 10 ideas for a Community of Practice

  1. Critically reflect on Learning Environments
  2. Use Photographs to Investigate Identity
  3. Discover Evidence based experiences that create a sense of Belonging
  4. Think about how we effectively Lead, Motivate and Inspire our team
  5. Consider Children’s Safety and Child Protection
  6. Risky Play
  7. Support neurodiversity in children and Educators
  8. Document – what, how much and who.
  9. Consider Children’s voices and Promoting Autonomy
  10. Develop Teamwork and our Code of Conduct

Farran Street Education Leadership CoP - Launching 2025

Farran Street Education is facilitating a free Senior Leadership CoP launching in January 2025. This is an opportunity for NS, AM, Ops Managers to meet (virtually), share experiences, discuss challenges, and explore new ideas related to their leadership practice.

Adrian Pattra-McLean is a management consultant with a Master of  Education (Ed. Psychology). He will be presenting at the ECA National Conference on Wednesday 18th September 2024. 


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