Early Childhood Management Series May 2025
Manage Your Team With Less Stress in Just 5 Weeks.
Do you constantly get interrupted and find everyone is looking to you to solve their problems?
Are you struggling to keep your team focused and motivated without them being distracted by gossip?
In this series, you'll learn how to effectively manage interruptions, build a strong supportive leadership team and stop gossip in its tracks.
We'll cover:
- Time-saving tools to literally save you hours each day
- Practical steps to build a strong supportive leadership team
- Psychological strategies to prevent and resolve conflict
- Five key levers in stopping gossip and creating a positive culture.
Topics included:
Webinar 2: Building Strong Leadership Teams
Webinar 3: It's a Knockout – Resolving Conflict
Webinar 4: Building Trust in EC Teams
Webinar 5: Eliminating Gossip and Promoting a Positive Culture
This amazing series is designed exclusively for Nominated Supervisors, Educational Leaders, Managers, Coordinators and Headteachers who have a strong understanding of Early Childhood Education and are looking to improve their management capabilities. The series is designed for managers starting out and those already on their way.
Topic Summaries
Part 1. Time Management For Managers - Friday 9th May at 10.00 am AEST
"If I didn't get so many interruptions, I might actually be able to get something done!" In this 40-minute webinar, we'll use the Eisenhower Matrix to separate urgent versus important and explore how to plan to ensure the right person is doing the right job at the right time. We'll look at time-saving tools to significantly improve communication with educators and families. These tools can save you literally hours each day.
Part 2. Building Strong Leadership Teams - Friday 16th May at 10.00 am AEST
Have you ever found that you’re doing everything? It shouldn't be that way. It takes many great leaders to build an exemplary service. In this 40-minute webinar, we'll explore how you can empower teams of educators to independently shape tasks, share knowledge and embrace innovation. Strong leadership teams have a range of subject-matter experts who are specialists in their roles. Shared leadership is strong leadership.
Part 3.
It's a knockout - Resolving and Preventing Non-Functional Conflict - Friday 23rd May at 10.00 am AEST
Sometimes, even the most harmonious teams struggle to cope with the stress and pressure of our fast-paced environment. In this webinar, we'll explore Roger Fisher and William Ury’s Interest-Based Relational (IBR) approach to resolving conflict. We'll unpack strategies to help separate people from the problem, learn how to establish a workable plan and discover how managers can mentor educators to achieve long-term productive relationships.
Part 4. Building Trust in EC Teams - Friday 30th May at 10.00 am AEST
A team without trust isn’t really a team: it’s just a collection of staff working together—like parallel play, but for adults. A group working like this will often make disappointing progress. In this 40-minute webinar, we'll explore how trust can help teams become stronger, more purposeful and more cohesive. We'll unpack the ten trust behaviours needed for a high-performing team and discuss how you can promote these behaviours through your role as a manager and leader.
Part 5. Eliminating Gossip and Promoting a Positive Culture - Friday 6th June at 10.00 am AEST
Teams have personalities, too. Some teams are fun-loving, future-focused and open to change. Other teams are negative, stuck in the past and resistant to new ideas. In this 40-minute webinar, we'll explore five key levers in creating and maintaining a positive service. By focusing on how we communicate, celebrate, make decisions, resolve conflicts and develop relationships, we can create a culture that promotes high performance and a sense of belonging.